Monday, January 14, 2013

19th Cent. European History

Seurat s Grande Jatte is one of those r are works of art that stand wholly its transcendence is instinctively recognized by everyone . What makes this transcendence so mysterious is that the theme of the work is not some attentive emotion or momentous event , but the some banal of workaday scenes Parisians enjoying an afternoon in a topical anaesthetic park . Yet we never seem to fathom its knotty power . Stranger still , when he blushered it , Seurat was a mere 25 (with precisely seven more old age to live , a young man with a scientific possibility to prove this is hardly the recipe for success . His theory was optical : the conviction that painting in dots , known as pointillism or divisionism , would produce a brighter color than painting in strokes Seurat spent two years painting this picture , concentrating fastidiously on the landscape of the park before focusing on the people always their shapes , never their personalities Individuals did not interest him , only their globe grace There is no untidiness in Seurat all is beauti aboundingy balanced The park was quite a noisy place : a man blows his bugle children bombardment around , there are dogs . Yet the impression we throw is of silence , of control , of nothing dised . I think it is this that makes La Grande Jatte so moving to us who live in much(prenominal) a dised foundation : Seurat s control . There is an intellectual uncloudedness here that sets him free to paint this small park with an awe-inspiring poetry . Even if the people in the park are pairs or groups , they still seem alone in their conciseness of form - alone but not lonely . No figure encroaches on another s space : all coexist in peace This is a world both authoritative and unreal - a sacred world . We are frequently harried by biography s pressures and its speed , and many of us think at times : Stop the world , I want to get off !
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In this painting , Seurat has stop the world and it reveals itself as beautiful , sunlit , and silent - it is Seurat s world , from which we would never want to get offStudious , solitary , painstaking Georges Seurat died at the age of 31 , overworked and largely unacknowledged . His professional life did not last much longer than seven years , and in that time he interchange two pictures . and so , as someone has pointed out he was twice as successful commercially as Van Gogh , who sold only one . Fortunately , his family had means , and he did not have to depend on his painting for his livelihood , for his system of work involved untiring labor and patience . Seurat was that likely contradiction in art , a methodical conjuror His researches in the theory of color were extensive , and he obviously thought of his pictures as demonstrations of the painting method he had evolved . however beyond his mechanics there was a feeling for paint , and beyond that his tireless effort to realize a formal structure with its own interior harmony . He took from the impressionists their crust of color , but like...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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