Monday, January 14, 2013

Rembrandt V.s Caravaggio-the Great Two Artists In Baroque

br Carracci . His painting fall into two assemblys . One group consists of flowers , still life and fragments from the everyday life of people of alternatively than exalted station something quite unheard of at a clock when art was governed by aesthetics of grandeur . Caravaggio express on several occasions that the painting of flowers cost him as much effort as major compositions . At that time , this seemed an extraordinary observation The other group is made up of the large religious canvases of the 1600-1606 periods , where Caravaggio is as though trying to gift his ability to paint in the manner of his famous coevals Whatever his intentions , those paintings are different . As someone justifiedly pointed out , hid religious paintings have no trace of paradise the saints have no haloes and no attributes , the Holy Virgin is represent without angels or palatial architecture and everything is stripped of pathosFollowing Caravaggio s lead , Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn is the Netherlands most famous mechanic . He is best know for his portraits and for his paintings of scenes from the Bible .
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In many of his paintings Rembrandt used a appearance called chiaroscuro , a strongly contrasting treatment of dispirit and phantasm in drawing and painting (Niz 9 . Translated from the Italian tidings means half-revealed He copied this style from Caravaggio . During his lifetime , Rembrandt was a wildly successful portraits painter . His paintings are characterized by luxuriant brushwork , prolific colour , and a mastery of chiaroscuro . Numerous portraits and self-portraits exhibit a profound penetration of character . His drawings constitute a realistic record of contemporary Amsterdam life . The greatest artist of the Dutch school , he was a master of light and shadow whose paintings , drawings , and etchings made him a giant in the memoir of artToday his reputation rests principally on the probing , introspective paintings of his late...If you pauperization to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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