Monday, January 14, 2013

Visual Art Used In Nursing

The interdisciplinary connection between the visual arts and psychological science IN THE LIGHT OF Freudian psychologyBackground to the ThesisThe beguile of psychoanalytic speculation upon contemporary thought is unvoiced to overstate , and equally difficult to quantify . Fundamental concepts of a dynamic unconscious , repression , swelled head , infantile sexuality and the Oedipus complex have passed into popular give-and-take Psychoanalysis is the root of all contemporary forms of psychotherapy and as a clinical modality has had an enormous impact on the treatment of mental illness and on the fields of psychology and psychiatry , though this influence has been challenged in recent historic period by the rise of biological psychiatry . Though the scientific validity of its methods and premises has been hotly disputed , neuro-scientists , including Mark Solms , Antonio Damasio , Jaak Panksepp , and Joseph LeDoux , were actively conducting research in the early twenty- archetypal century to jibe psychoanalytic ideas with the latest findings in brain scienceIn the humanities , psychoanalytic theory has strongly influenced approaches to literary texts , biography , history , creativity , and sociology . Freud himself was the first to apply psychoanalytic principles to the arts , through readings of Wilhelm Jensen s impertinent Gradiva (1903 , Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann s The Sand-Man (1817 and several of William Shakespeare s whole caboodle and through psycho biographical essays on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Shakespeare , Fyodor Dostoyevsky , and Leonardo da Vinci . Freud also explored the implications of his ideas upon anthropology , history , and , perhaps close to famously religion , which Freud considered a primitive , quasi-psychotic projection , and which he considered at length in The Future of an Illusion (1927 ) and Moses and Monotheism (1939 .
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The poet Wallace Stevens characterized Freud s influence as a whole climate of opinion and the writings of Freud and other analysts , especially those of Jacques Lacan , have inspired countless artists and thinkers , including Andry Breton , Andry Gide , genus Benzoin , Thomas Mann , Rainer Maria Rilke Jean Cocteau , Salvador Dali , Jackson Pollock , Lionel trill , Edmund Wilson , Jacques Derrida , Gilles Deleuze , and Slavoj Zizek and cultural movements such as surrealism , dada , existentialism , deconstructionism , and postmodernismPsychoanalysis and Surrealism : An ExpositionThe instincts and unconscious urges of humankind were heavily featured in the works of the surrealists of inter-war Europe . The link between psychoanalysis and the surrealist movement is nigh evident in the films of the movement . Before examining to what extent the surrealists (in circumstance , the Spanish film-maker Luis Bunuel ) was influenced by Sigmund Freud s writings , I will first briefly present Freud s various models of the mindFreud s scientific process was anything entirely static - he constantly changed his theoretical framework , as he encountered discrepancies between the theories and his practical experiences during the continuing treatment of patient roles . The take up /trauma model , a result of Freud s studies of hysteria , focus on the repressed memories of patients . The goal was relief of the symptoms by forcing the patient to remember , a cathartic cure . The dramatic spirit of the cure caused this particular version of Freud s work to be conspicuously featured in Hollywood movies dealing with psychoanalysisThe next make up in Freud...If you want to get a full essay, magnitude it on our website: Orderessay

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