Monday, January 14, 2013

Art Appreciation

p Definitions of ArtI : DefinitionArt can be defined in legion(predicate) ways it can be the act of creating contrivance , or any object that is considered to be cheat by the mankind . The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines art as The conscious mapping of aptitude and creative imagination in the production of aesthetic objects , and workings so produced ( HYPERLINK http /www .m-w .com http /www .m-w .com . This rendering suggests that three of the main requirements that moldiness be present for something to be considered art is that the object be created with skill and imagination and that it must the aesthetically pleasing . A second definition for art from Microsoft Encarta states The product of human creativity in which materials are do to convey an idea , emotion or visually raise form HYPERLINK http /www .encarta .msn .com http /www .encarta .msn .com This gives the mantrap at least one more requirement that is unavoidable in to define art . Art is used as a means of depicting the artist s ideas , and feelings . These requirements are necessity when considering whether an object is worthy of being considered art , or notArt comes in several different formats including cutting , ikons architecture , photography , printmaking , abstract art , installation art , and performance art . severally of these types of art has different characteristics and is considered art for different reasons . Sculpture is an art form that is either two or 3-dimensional and is chiefly constructed from either stone , or various metals . The Venus de milo (130-120 B .C ) is a classical Greek example of sculpture . The sculpture measures 2 .02 m tall , and is created from Parian marble . It is three-dimensional in form , and depicts a half nude women stand up with one leg crooked as if she is about to meet a step .
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Currently the statue is missing both of its fortification as well as the platform upon which it is assumed the statue before stood . The lines on this stature are curving and elegant . This sculpture is thought to depict the Greco Roman goddess Venus . This statue is considered art because not only is the artist trying to express an idea , or feeling but the sculpture is aesthetically pleasing as wellMonet s painting The White Water Lilies (1899 ) is a two-dimensional measures cd cm x 388 cm , and is created using oil on canvas . This painting is a brilliant example of the impressionistic school of art Monet s delicate brush strokes and distinctive use of blues , greens and purples is used to depict a unsubdivided bridge above a pond complete of water lilies . Monet uses curved and rounded lines to convey the flow of the water and the hale of the bridge . This piece is art because it is aesthetically pleasing and conveys Monet /s ideas of a simple and peaceful lifeArchitecture is another form of art , some(prenominal) like the crafting of fine furniture it is a much more functional form of art than either painting or sculpture but...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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