Thursday, August 23, 2012

Essay on Values

Every time something bad happens and no one stands up to condemn it, we end up questioning our societal value system. This is alright because the society’s value system should be stringent enough not to allow certain things to happen unabated while at the same time not look like it is suffocating the masses. 
Our values are what we stand for, what we believe in and what we are not willing to give up on no matter the consequences. If you value honesty, it is possible that you will always stand by the truth no matter what happens even if it means you pay up with your life at times. Values act like the radars that drive our engagements. They give our lives a sense of direction at all times. 
The values we hold dearly are always intrinsically kept in us. This means that every time you are persuaded into a contrary position, a small inner voice will always stand firm and remind you who you are and what you stand for. Under no circumstance should a person fail to uphold any values in life because it only serves to inform us that such a person has no purpose in life because when you cannot stand up for anything, chances are that you can fall for anything. Such people find themselves in a lot of problems.
You will find an essay on values at and see for yourself what we think about values and its place and role in the society. When a person is born, you always find certain value systems operational. When you become an adult, you might interact with so many of such systems and decide to use the one that you think favors you the most.