I pay a custom
writings service for a custom essay, my understanding is that the
custom writings service shall write me a truly original and authentic
custom essay. This means that the custom essay I have paid the custom
writings service has to be like no other custom essay ever written by
any other individual or custom writings company. I do not expect the
custom writings service to copy a custom essay that has already been
written or published by another individual because what they will
produce will not be a custom essay but an imitation of another essay.
If I wanted a paper that is an imitation of another paper, I would
not take the trouble of looking for and paying a custom writings
service to do that for me, I would have simply looked for an essay
that is relevant to my topic and copied it myself. Once I pay a
custom writings service for a custom essay, I expect them to carry
out a meticulous research about all the details I require in my
custom essay and write my custom essay from the very beginning
without copying anything.
Should the writers at the custom writings
service refer to any piece of material authored by someone else, I
expect them to cite it in my custom essay so I would not be accused
for plagiarism. Fortunately for me, your custom writings service
understands all these requirements well and you always follow them.
No custom paper that I have purchased from you is ever plagiarized
and that is why I have become your very regular customer.